SA: Woomera report to be given to SA government tomorrow
ADELAIDE, April 8 AAP - Child welfare experts are tomorrow expected to deliver a reporton conditions inside the Woomera detention centre to the South Australian government.
The welfare experts visited the detention centre in the state's far north last weekas part of Premier Mike Rann's review of state child protection laws.
The review followed reports that children were traumatised by detention, witnessingalmost daily self-harm attempts by detainees.
At the recent state election, Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock and then SA humanservices minister Dean Brown said adult detainees had forcibly sewn the lips of childrentogether, a claim the detainees later denied.
A spokeswoman for SA Social Justice Minister Stephanie Key said today a report by thechild welfare experts was expected to be received by the Human Services Department tomorrow.
However, there was "no way" the report would be made public, the spokeswoman said,citing privacy issues for the detainees concerned.
The Woomera detention centre is located on Commonwealth land and any recommendationsmade in the report would be forwarded to the federal government for consideration, shesaid.
Meanwhile, the Immigration Department said 11 asylum seekers remained on the run todayafter protesters helped 50 people escape from the Woomera detention centre during a massEaster rally.
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