NSW: August 17 is D-Day for Millennium builder - and Costa
Millennium train builder Downer EDI has 10 days to sort out the high-tech train's reliabilityproblems before the New South Wales government seeks damages under their contract.
The 22nd incident involving the train happened at Milsons Point station, north of theSydney Harbour Bridge, on Tuesday afternoon.
The train stalled when a safety mechanism that stops the brakes from releasing whendoors are even partially open failed to detect the doors were closed.
The incident caused major delays on the CityRail network.
Yesterday, StateRail chief VINCE GRAHAM said Millennium trains will no longer travelwest beyond Bankstown, to minimise the impact of future incidents.
In June, Transport Minister MICHAEL COSTA met EDI executives to hammer out measuresto resolve the train's shortcomings by August the 17th.
A spokesman for Mr COSTA has refused to indicate what action is being considered ifthe problems continue.
AAP RTV jph/jo/dl/rp
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