Del Monte has introduced Yogurt Cup, shelf-stable yogurt in4.75-ounce pull-top cans. Flavors include strawberry, raspberry,blueberry and peach. Retail price in supermarkets is $1.99 for thefour-pack.
PEKING CHICKEN: As part of the Great Chef's Dining Seriessponsored by Moraine Valley Community College, Chef Ben Moy willconduct a brief cooking demonstration and host a dinner at the Birdrestaurant in Melrose Park. A bus will depart from the Palos Hillscampus, 10900 S. 88th Ave., 700 Building, at 6 p.m. and return at11:30 p.m. The $40 fee includes meal and transportation. Toregister, call the Center for Community and Continuing Education at371-3800.
ZAP A SPUD: The Idaho Potato Commission has produced an "IdahoPotato Microwave Cookbook" booklet in conjunction with microwavecooking expert Thelma Pressman. For a copy, send $1 for postage andhandling to the Idaho Potato Commission, Box 1068, Boise, Idaho,83701.
If you have news of new products, classes or other food eventsopen to the public, send the information at least two weeks inadvance to Bits and Pieces, Chicago Sun-Times Food Department, 401 N.Wabash, Chicago 60611.
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